Item #: L90667
Description: Universal 95 Gallon Spill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a 95 Gallon Overpack
Contents: 16 Universal Socks (48" L), 10 Universal Socks (120" L), 8 Universal Pillows, 150 Universal Bonded Pads, 10 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book
Item #: L90667R
Description: Universal 95 Gallon Refill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a Box
Contents: Same contents as L90667 minus the Overpack
Item #: L90943
Description: Oil Only 95 Gallon Spill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a 95 Gallon Overpack
Contents: 10 Booms 510, 100 Oil Only Pads,10 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book
Item #: L90943R
Description: Oil Only 95 Gallon Refill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a Box
Contents: Same contents as L90943 minus the Overpack
Item #: L90415
Description: Haz Mat 95 Gallon Spill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a 95 Gallon Overpack
Contents: 12 Haz Mat Socks (48" L), 9 Haz Mat Socks (120" L), 14 Haz Mat Pillows, 100 Yellow Haz Mat Bonded Pads, Protective Gloves, Goggles, 10 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book
Item #: L90415R
Description: Haz Mat 95 Gallon Refill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a Box
Contents: Same contents as L90415 minus the Overpack
Item #: L90595R
Description: Universal 95 Gallon Boxed pill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a Box
Contents: 200 Universal Bonded Pads, 1 Universal Boom 510, 10 Universal 'Super' Socks (48" L), 4 Universal 'Super' Socks (120" L), 10 Universal 'Spill Bomb' Pillows, 2 Goggles, 5 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book
Item #: L90395R
Description: Oil Only 95 Gallon Boxed Spill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a Box
Contents: 200 Oil Only Pads, 4 Booms 510, 10 Absorbent Poly Socks (48"), 4 Absorbent Poly Socks (120"), 10 Absorbent Poly Pillows, 5 Pair Protective Gloves, 2 Goggles, 5 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book
Item #: L90495
Description: Haz Mat 95 Rolling Gallon Spill Kit
Packaging: Packaged and Shipped in a 95 Gallon Rolling Bin
Contents: 200 Haz MatPads, 1 Haz Mat Booms 510, 10 Absorbent Haz Mat Socks (48"), 4 Absorbent Haz Mat Socks (120"), 10 Absorbent Haz Mat Pillows, 3 Pair Protective Gloves, 2 Goggles, 5 Hazardous Waste Labels, 5 Disposal Bags with Ties, Emergency Response Guide Book